08: Ripped from the Headlines: Lessons on Empathy

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” This quote has been attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, and others. It’s been re-quoted so often that we simply accept it as a “truth-ism.”…
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07: The Lessons of Failure from Wilma Rudolph

What does it take to be a winner? Do winners ever fail? Failure and struggle are important processes to go through to fully enjoy the beauty of winning. Failure is painful and hurts in many ways; no one likes that feeling of failure, but…

06: Financial Literacy for Every Daughter

Who gets to give names to specific celebratory months? Have you ever wondered? For example, April is National Humor Month, National Internship Awareness Month, Inventors’ Month, Jazz Appreciation Month, Cannabis Month, National Alcohol…