Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo 2017
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Coming Full Circle…

They say that everything happens for a reason. I say they’re wrong. It’s easy to believe that when something tragic happens it’s because it has a “deeper” motive. You catch yourself saying phrases such as: “This happened because…
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I Dare You to be Brave!

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, `I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ … If you fail anywhere…
kidney transplant
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Put Others First

If I had died, my organs would have been donated to someone in need. I've always believed in the value of organ donation. I survived, but unfortunately my kidneys did not. My family was devastated as I was left with only 13% kidney function.…
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The most raw, honest and profound interview.

Friends, this is the most raw, honest and profound interview I've ever given. Please listen and allow it to change how you connect with people everywhere. Click here for a special 45-minute podcast that released this week. Pain…
international womans day
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How To Eliminate International Women’s Day

I’m really struggling with International Women’s Day. Anyone who knows me even a little would think I’m a big fan but truth be told I have mixed feelings. Very rarely in my life have I actually allowed any experience of limitations…

The Secret To Managing Overwhelm

Feel overwhelmed? I truly get it. Brain injury makes me feel like the photo all the time! So I work at reducing anxiety as if it’s my job. Actually it kind of is. In fact that’s not even unique. We all feel pushed to do more with less. So…