street size intersection of stress and relax

How has your year been?

Holy Smokies 2019 is Almost Over! In 2014, during my seven weeks in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, pain was pretty much a constant, but in times of extra special pain, my go-to expletive was, "Holy Smokies!" Said with an extra-long ō. Now…
Shelves stacked with boxes
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3 Steps to Opening Boxes and Wholeheartedly Embracing the Contents

We define people by boxes. Our house is a box; car is a box; job title is a box; salary is a box; skin color is a box; gender is a box; and on and on and on.... The obvious answer then is: Think Outside the Box. Except that’s unoriginal...and…
1 Corinthians 13:4-5
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Why self-love matters in the end...and how to strengthen it

There was a time when I lingered between life and death. Fully aware of both sides. Fully aware of my in-betweenness. One side holds all the complex and painful emotions of humanity. On the other exists only love, pure and simple. It’s virtually…

Lower Holiday Stress just by Breathing

December 1st and up goes our Christmas tree! And so it begins. Although the granddaddy holiday month of December sings peace and goodwill, the shopping malls and highways tell the real truth. You know what I’m talking about. If ever there…

How to Get Off the Leash

We live with continuous bombardment of interruptions - phone calls, emails, texts, Facebook messages, people dropping by, etc, etc rinse and repeat. They can all seem equally important and demanding. We don't want to miss anything, disappoint…

How do you start your day?

Hi Research has shown that the busiest, most successful leaders in the world don’t dive straight into work; they begin with a self-care routine to get themselves grounded. Even when my body was in such bad shape I couldn’t leave my bedroom…

Shower with Attention

I get in the shower and do my usual shampoo, condition, soap, etc. I don't think about what I'm doing; I think about conflicts scrambling through my head, or what I'm going to eat, or what I'm going to write on Facebook, or anything that has…

The Miracle of Presence

How many times have you sat with someone and although they are right there with you and have said nothing you can feel the detachment? Perhaps you said or thought, "You are a million miles away." How often have you been having a conversation…