Give Up Expectations, Receive Love

What Christmas is really all about.


In the simplest of terms, the message of Christmas is to Love One Another. Why do we sometimes find this so hard to do?

The answer is just as simple – We want to be in control. Our way, our expectations, our ideas of how things should play out. At least that’s where I get tripped up. Perhaps this rings true for you as well.

The greatest gift that we can give to anyone is free, but will most certainly come at a cost. Give acceptance…and let go of control. More than anything, people want to be really seen and appreciated for who they are. Everyone flourishes under the warm light of acceptance, hearts open wide and love pours out.

On this Christmas 2017, my wish for you is that you will receive the warmth and light of genuine love that only comes through giving of yourself. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

I help organizations build whole-hearted communities through ‘half-assed’ leadership. We collaborate in three ways: speaking, consulting, and executive coaching. Step up from the ordinary… Contact me today.

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