Entries by Elisa


4 Guides for Hospitality and Grace Online

We live in a social media world dominated by self-curated glimpses of humanity. Let’s call it what it is [mostly] — voyeuristic, exhibitionist entertainment. In other words, the posturing is rarely real. Are you willing to be in the minority? Are you willing to use social media for social good? Are you willing to be […]

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Stay Calm and Begin Anew

As my family discussed New Year’s Eve, an interesting theme emerged. All we feel is a heavy sigh of relief and a desire to quietly, almost solemnly begin anew. I think we’re getting Mod Pizza and watching a movie.  Tomorrow the newspaper headlines will be the same, hospitals will still be overflowing, people will still […]

You’ve screwed it up already

Day 4/150 Dailies Well, I wrote my “Morning Mindset” journal entries today at 5:00 P.M.. The journal is part of a 150-day experiment in which the ONLY requirement is that I consistently answer a series of pre-determined journal prompts for 150 days. That’s it. There is no requirement for the timing or quality of answers. […]

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All I want for Christmas is…surgery

This year for Christmas, I hope for a new and improved right wrist. The fall that broke my wrist in 2016 left me with daily pain and difficulty with the wrist attached to my dominant right hand. At least I’ve had a good excuse for my lousy penmanship! More importantly, in order to walk more […]


How has your year been?

Holy Smokies 2019 is Almost Over! In 2014, during my seven weeks in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, pain was pretty much a constant, but in times of extra special pain, my go-to expletive was, “Holy Smokies!” Said with an extra-long ō. Now just to be clear, I can actually swear like a sailor –– […]


4 Life Lessons from May Day

On May 1, while many herald the arrival of Spring by dancing around Maypoles or delivering flowers in homemade May baskets to neighbors,  workers around the globe celebrate International Workers Day, also called Labour Day. Although in the U.S. we celebrate Labor Day on September 1, the international observation of Worker’s Day had its genesis […]