Entries by Elisa


Shower with Attention

I get in the shower and do my usual shampoo, condition, soap, etc. I don’t think about what I’m doing; I think about conflicts scrambling through my head, or what I’m going to eat, or what I’m going to write on Facebook, or anything that has nothing to do with showering. Then something snaps me back…. […]


Expect Delayes (yep)

I was certain my brother would be my kidney donor. Even though we didn’t yet have a surgery date we assumed it would move forward. He tested as a good match; it was just up to the surgeons to review. We cleared our calendars and prepared for hospitalization. I told at least a couple of dozen people […]

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The Price is Right

What is your life worth? To the medical community the price for my life last year was $2.3 million. The cash register continues to ring regularly. Money isn’t all that has been paid. The price for my LIFE was a deeply costly sacrifice on many fronts…. Over $54,000 from 440 donors. My once strong and […]


The Miracle of Presence

How many times have you sat with someone and although they are right there with you and have said nothing you can feel the detachment? Perhaps you said or thought, “You are a million miles away.” How often have you been having a conversation with someone but their head is on a swivel. Your brain […]

Reaching Through the Pain

Every day I wake up hurting. I start my day with the eye opening reminder that this is real. It wasn’t a bad dream. I don’t think it’s different than any other kind of pain though. The loss of a loved one or a job or a dream. Pain is all around. For me, it’s […]